Freshpet commercial: If dogs had hands

Ever wondered what dogs (and a cat, but mostly dogs) would do if they had hands? Looks like Freshpet, a pet food company, wondered just that. Check out the video above to see the furry faces of animals from the Humane Society of Utah sitting around a dinner table dressed in their holiday best. As the turkey dinner starts, the well-mannered animals use their “hands” to pick up their fresh-looking food with silverware. But as time goes on, the animals’ wild sides start to break through their polite facades. There are all sorts of personalities represented at the table, from rebellious iPhone-wielding teenager to silverware-stealing kleptomaniac. We absolutely love this cute, surprising take on a holiday dinner!

Penguins falling in every way possible

That ice (and those rocks, and just the world…) must be really slippery! Check out the video above to see a compilation of penguins falling and then getting back up as if nothing happened. Their clumsiness on land is in stark contrast to their agility in the water! Check out the video below to see a group of penguins swimming rapidly and gracefully towards the shore in Antarctica. Whether they’re falling on their faces or zipping through the ocean, penguins are adorable no matter what they’re doing!

Amazing appetizer ideas for your next holiday party

Right on time for the holiday season, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite holiday appetizers from around the web. They’re sure to be a hit at your next holiday party! Click the image and you’ll be redirected to the image source. In no particular order, here are our top picks:

Snowman cheese ball

This snowman cheese ball welcomes you with open arms to partake in all the goodness he has to offer. Yes, please!

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Flamingo courtship march (dance?) is pretty amazing

Check out the amazing video above to see flamingos performing a group courtship march that involves lots side-to-side head turning and rapid, synchronous scuttling of the entire group in one direction. This is super cute and fun to watch for us, but what’s the benefit for flamingos? Flamingos perform the courtship march for much the same reason other birds perform courtship dances – to attract mates. However, in flamingos, this courtship dance may serve an additional purpose. Flamingos don’t have a breeding season in the same way other birds do. Instead of breeding at a particular time of year, they tend to breed when rainfall is high (and food and resources are plentiful), no matter what time of the year it is. It’s thought that performing the courtship march as a group may help flamingos signal to one another that “now is a good time to breed”.